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Çalışan Soru ve Cevap: Ne Oynuyorsunuz?

Sıradaki oyununuzun ne olacağına karar vermeye mi çalışıyorsunuz? İşte bizim şu anda oynadıklarımız:

Pazarlamadan Jon:
The newest Call Of Duty (Modern Warfare). They've made the in-game challenges really addicting and they do such a great job of hooking you in.Gameplay of 2 characters with guns from video game Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Yazılımdan Joel:
Indivisible. It's a ridiculous combination of a platformer and a JRPG with full anime-level cutscenes.Gameplay of characters fighting enemy unit from video game Indivisible

Müşteri deneyiminden Brandon:
A mix of NBA 2K20 (because I like basketball) and DBZ Kakarot (because I love a slow paced anime game).Gameplay of basketball from video game NBA2K20

Ar-Ge'den Matt H.:
I have been finally playing through The Witcher 3, and I'm enjoying it a lot - even though I've spent 35 hours on it and I've barely gotten anywhere in the game's story/world yet. This is gonna be a long one. I should PROBABLY stop neurotically stealing all of the peasants' hooch...

The Evil Within 2, bazen hantal hissettirse de ve karakterlerin hepsi sevimsiz olsa da gerçekten sağlam bir hayatta kalma korku oyunuydu.

I put like 200 hours into Death Stranding - I really enjoyed traveling through that world and building up the infrastructure. I did find actually finishing up my platinum trophy USING all that infrastructure kind of boring though... so I started a new game to enjoy building it all up again after that. Haha.Character from video game Death Stranding sitting in mountains

Ar-Ge'den Kendall:
Dark Souls: Remastered. I love and hate it at the same time... Feels good to demolish some bosses, but makes me want to rage up until the point of beating the boss.Character from video game Dark Souls: Remastered fighting dragon

Yazılımdan Michael:
Spelunky, gotta grind Hell runs to prepare for Spelunky 2 coming very soon(ish? Maybe??? Help Derek Yu I need the game).Character from video game, Spelunky

Müşteri deneyiminden Kristen:
After two years away from it, I started playing League of Legends again with coworkers about a week ago. I do love the strategy aspect & feelin' good about healing my buddies. What I don't like about the game... well there's the soul-sucking feeling as you login, but...Characters from video game League of Legends

Web ekibinden John:
Black Desert Online. It's a fun "turn your brain off and grind" MMO game I return to when I need a break and want to watch youtube in the background or listen to podcasts.Character from video game, Black Desert Online

Yazılımdan Matt:
Disco Elysium. The writing is like hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, and there seems to be a lot of room for experimentation with your character's actions. Am enjoying it.Characters from video game, Disco Elysium, in a shoot out

Web ekibinden Toni:
League of Legends' Teamfight Tactics. It's a semi-relaxing game that doesn't require you to be 100% focused. It's good to play while catching up with friends or when you have laundry to fold.Gameplay of characters on board from video game, League of Legends Teamfight Tactics

Web ekibinden Eric:
Synthetik: Legion Rising. Bu oyun cidden ilgi çekici. Henüz sevip sevmediğimi bile bilmiyorum. Silahların önemli olduğu birlikte oynanabilen taktiksel rogue benzeri biroyun. Silahınız şiddetli bir çarpışmanın ortasında tutukluk yapabilir. Cephaneniz bittiğinde yeniden doldurmadan önce şarjörü bizzat çıkarmanız gerekiyor. Yeniden doldurma zamanını iyi ayarlarsanız yeniden aksiyona dalıyorsunuz. Ama ayarlayamazsanız başınız tamamen derde girebilir. Hepsinin ötesinde,hareket edince hedefi tutturmak çok zorlaşıyor.

Grafikler gayet orijinal ve söylerken utanıyorum ama almaya ikna eden de orijinaldi. Çok zor ve yalnızca ufak kısa süre oynayabiliyorum. Sanırım göreceğiz!Gameplay from video game, Synthetik: Legion Rising

Yazılımdan Chris:
Dota 2. It's frustrating.Gameplay of midlanefrom video game, Dota 2

Ürün ekibinden Jeff C.:
Semi recently was Borderlands 3. i didn't even finish it... was a fan of 2. Glad I didn't buy the DLC/fancy whatever release.Characters from video game, Borderlands 3, man shooting enemy

Pazarlamadan Kleon:
League of Legends'tan çıkan Taktik Savaşları. Gerçekten seviyorum çünkü çok eğlenceli ve (nişan alma oyunlarının aksine) %100 odaklanmak zorunda değilsin. Kazanmanın bir sürü yolu var ve herkes aynı şekilde başlıyor. Gameplay from video game, League of Legends Teamfight Tactics, characters on game board

Müşteri deneyiminden Allen:
Escape from Tarkov. The rush of trying to stay alive and knowing that one wrong move can lose all of your gear/weapons.Gameplay of shoot out from video game, Escape from Tarkov

E-spor/fenomen ekibinden Lindsey:
Most recently I've been playing the Dark Souls games. I beat the first Dark Souls in January and am currently finishing up Dark Souls 3. (I skipped DS2 because literally everyone except for Tim told me to. Tim also told me that the people who told me to skip DS2 weren't my real friends and that they didn't care about me. Tim cannot know that I still decided to skip DS2 lol).

Eğlenceyi katlamak için, her oyunu bodoslama oynuyorum ve kaç kere öldüğümü sayıyorum. İlk Dark Souls'ta (+eklentiler) 437 kere öldüm. Çok gibi dursa da, ki çok, oyunu bitirdim! Özellikle oyuna başlayanların çoğu oyunu asla bitirmediklerinden, kendimle ve bu sayıyla gurur duyuyorum. Oynamak istediğim bir sonraki sefer için bana kendimi geliştirmek için bir ölçüt sunuyor.

Bu seriyi bu kadar sevmemin en büyük sebebi oyun size tuşların ne işe yaradığını söylemek dışında hiçbir bilgi vermiyor. Her oyun büyük oranda oyuncunun becerisine, sabrına ve uyum yeteneğine bağlı. Elinizden tutan biri yok ve bu serinin bu kadar sevilmesinin nedeni de bubence. Zor ve yönergelerin olmaması her bir zorlu alan/bosstan sonra hissettiğiniz başarı duygusunu arttırıyor.

Bu seri hakkında saatlerce konuşabilirim. Her oyun bir başyapıt ve umarım herkes tamamını oynayabilir.Characters from video game, Dark Souls 3, 2 people in armor fighting

Pazarlamadan Megan:
Monster Hunter World (and its recent expansion, Iceborne). Get a few friends together. Climb onto the monsters head. Smash the monster's head into a wall. Laugh at it. Wear its corpse as armor. Dress up your cat. I don't need much else.Characters fighting monster dragon from video game, Monster Hunter World

Müşteri deneyiminden Ron:
I've started playing League of Legends recently and I am having a great time. Although, it can be frustrating being new in a game that has been out for ages.Title that reads name of video game, League of Legends

Ürün yönetiminden Brian:
The Witcher 3. I bought it a while ago on Xbox but never got around to playing it, knowing what a time investment it would be. But now I bought it on Switch, so I've basically determined what my train commute is going to look like for the next ___ months. I'm still early in the game, but I can already see why it won so many accolades. The story is fantastic, and the side quests are very entertaining. Looking forward to the journey!Character from video game, The Witcher 3, looking at dead body

Mühendislikten Nathan:
Card of Darkness. Fun little puzzle game with a great soundtrack and cool style.Gameplay of game board from video game, Card of Darkness

Yazılım mühendisliğinden Ellie:
I have been replaying Skyrim on PC. If you asked me a few years ago this might have been my answer for favorite game. My good memories of it mostly revolve around its storytelling through world exploration, the feeling of leveling up and gaining skills, joining the dark brotherhood and getting a sweet horse, and finding bugs to exploit.

Ancak yeniden oynamak, arızalardan dolayı ilerlemeni kaybetmek, Lydia ve zindanların birbirine benzemesi gibi bana unuttuğum şeyleri hatırlatıyor. Ama genel olarak sinsi okçu hareketlerini hâlâ seviyorum ve kusurları sinir bozucu değil eğlenceli olarak görüyorum.Character from video game, Skyrim, standing in village

Pazarlamadan Christian:
Finally started playing Witcher 3, but having a hard time getting into it! There's just so much you have to know, and it's such a meaty RPG. I just need to sit down and dedicate the time to figuring it all out.Character from video game, Witcher 3, fighting monster

Müşteri deneyiminden Adam:
Blacks Ops 4. I'm addicted to Blackout mode on it :( But also Risk, A LOT of Risk... yes, the boardgame.Characters from video game, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, standing on hill top looking at burning building

Planlamadan Rosel:
Monster Hunter World - the feeling of endless DLC ! There’s always something going on with new monsters, events, feats and challenges. It’s hard to get tired of it.Characters from video game, Monster Hunter World, fighting monster

Yapımdan Joe:
Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire. I’m an oldschool cRPG fan. Love storydriven games with deep mechanicsCharacters from video game, Pillars of Eternity 2, fighting with lots of magic

EMEA'dan Asger:
Doomve Watch Dogs 1 ve 2. Bunları yakında gelecek oyunlara olan heyecanımı arttırmak için oynuyorum: Doom Eternatl ve Watch Dogs Legion. Bunları yakında gelecek oyunlara olan heyecanımı arttırmak için oynuyorum: Doom Eternal ve Watch Dogs Legion.Characters from video game, Watch Dogs 2, in a shoot out

Pazarlamadan Rasmus:
World of Warcraft: Classic - the first ever computer game I was introduced to at the age of 9 was this game, I have had a ton of fun playing it together with friends and my brother.Character from video game, World of Warcraft: Classic, standing in town

Ürün yönetiminden Jordan:
After wrapping up the amazing story line and tons of wandering in Red Dead Redemption 2, I've returned to finish up bouncing Alexios around ancient Greece in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Although a beautiful game unto it's own, story wise, in comparison I found RDR2 to be a more emotionally engaging experience.Characters from video game, Red Dead Redemption 2, standing outside burning house

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